Department Information

Learning for Life and Work


Learning for Life and Work is an engaging and relevant curriculum that helps our pupils develop as individuals and members of society, delivers the skills and capabilities needed for adult life and work, helps them cope with the changing global economy and helps them learn how to make informed choices.


Mr P Maybin
Mrs S Hunter
Mrs E McCallum

Key Stage 3

Learning for Life and Work is made up of three separate strands- Employability, Personal Development and Local and Global Citizenship. At Key Stage 3, pupils study each of these modules, one after the other. There is a huge emphasis on ‘active learning’ at this stage and pupils frequently participate in the following activities: walking debates, paired and groupwork, hot seating, role play.

A few examples of the topics covered include:

  • Democracy and the Northern Ireland Government

  • Human Rights

  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship

  • Jobs and Careers

  • Drugs and alcohol

  • Peer Pressure


At Key Stage 4, Learning for Life and Work includes the contributory elements of Employability, Local and Global Citizenship and Personal Development. Pupils complete this course over two years and are awarded a GCSE grade.

Pupils will sit THREE modular exams (Employability, Citizenship, Personal Development) spread out over the two years. Together these make up 60% of the overall grade. Pupils also complete ONE piece of Controlled Assessment which is worth 40%.


The LLW department has brought pupils to visit Stormont and regularly bring in a range of outside agencies to deliver workshops and talks to the pupils. For example, in the past pupils have enjoyed the following speakers:

  • Corrymeela- workshop on prejudice, stereotyping and racism

  • Love for Life- workshop/talk on relationships

  • Solomon Theatre Group ‘Last Orders’- dramatic performance and open discussion on binge drinking, underage drinking
