Shared Education — Cross & Passion College

Shared Education

Ballycastle High School logo
Badges of the two schools

The Purpose of Shared Education is:

  • To enhance educational opportunities for all young people in post primary education in North Antrim, enhancing choice and promoting quality;

  • To improve outcomes for young people at Key Stage 4 and in Post-16 study;

  • To make the best use of educational resources available;

  • To provide the local and wider community with young people who have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to make valuable contributions to the economic and community life within the area;

  • To continue to enhance and foster meaningful relationships between all young people in North Antrim.

Key Facts:

  •  Each school in the partnership retains its own identity and ethos;

  • The commitment to sharing can be traced back as far as the 1960s, when pupils from Ballycastle High attended Latin lessons in Cross and Passion College, and collaborative Further Mathematics lessons took place in Ballycastle High School;

  • The partnership is now well established and is deeply embedded in the life of both schools;

  • In excess of 300 pupils from both schools share lessons on a weekly basis;

  • The schools share much of the curriculum at Key-Stage 4 & Post-16. Pupils still have the option to attend classes only in their own school, if that is their wish;

  • Pupils from both schools have a Joint Student Council which meets regularly and represents the voice of pupils in making decisions about the partnership;

  • Planning is underway for a brand new £40m state-of-the-art shared campus (due to begin construction in summer 2021), consisting of two new schools, with a shared facility incorporating practical subjects and cutting edge sports facilities.