“The school’s mission statement ‘for all pupils to develop their unique talents in a positive, challenging and caring learning environment learning’ pervades the life and work of the school. All of the staff are highly committed to the academic and pastoral needs of pupils and there are excellent relationships at all levels throughout the school.”
Pastoral Care System
Relationships are at the heart of our community in Cross and Passion College. Care and respect, for ourselves and others, are guiding principles and we are a school who strive to look after, and support, those around us.
We seek to develop the unique talents and totality of needs of each child in a caring environment where honesty, integrity and openness are fundamental values. We strive to establish an atmosphere of caring and mutual respect conducive to learning. Our system of pastoral care exemplifies fairness, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness, while at the same time sets high standards of respect, self-discipline, commitment and generosity.
Supporting Individuals
Every class group in the school is assigned a Form Teacher who meets with the class at the beginning of each day.
The Year Head and Form Teacher monitor closely the overall well-being and academic progress of each child and are thus in a good position to liaise closely with parents and guardians.
Trained counsellors are available to pupils who feel that they need additional support in challenging circumstances. A Pastoral Assistant is available to provide day-to-day support for pupils.
Supporting Learning
We strongly believe that young people will learn and make progress when they have the necessary skills and positive attitudes to learning. All, pupils in the school are involved in 'Learning to Learn' programmes appropriate to their stage of development. In addition to this, they will have one-to-one or small group discussions with a Learning Mentor who will help them personalise the programme to meet their own needs and circumstances.
Sixth Form students are assigned to a Learning Tutor who has day-to-day contact with them and who monitors their overall academic achievement and well-being. The team of Learning Tutors is led by a Year Head who plays a very active role in supporting students throughout their sixth form experience. All students follow a Personal, Social and Health Education programme that includes Careers and Independent Learning Skills. Students applying to Further and Higher Education are supported through the UCAS and CAO application process.
Promoting Good Behaviour
The emphasis is on promoting positive behaviour which will allow our students to learn and succeed in a safe, secure environment.
We encourage pupils to work to the best of their ability and to behave in a responsible manner, showing respect for other pupils, staff and property. We believe that children will learn best in an ordered environment where there are good relationships based on mutual respect for all in the school community. Teachers actively seek the cooperation of all pupils by encouraging self-discipline and a sense of responsibility, by having clear expectations of behaviour for our pupils in all situations, and by insisting on high standards in relation to uniform, attendance and punctuality.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing
We actively promote healthy lifestyle choices which reflect the dignity, worth and value of each individual. We have a team of well-trained and experienced staff who provide pupils with a range of opportunities to engage in Drugs Awareness, Sex Education, and general Health Education programmes. Our Anti-Bullying policy and practice are effective and include a crucial role for senior pupils who lead an 'Anti-Bullying' group in the school.
Promoting Links with Parents
We see parents as key partners in the education of their child and strive to maximise the potential of their support for their own child and for the school in general.
We are committed to:
Seeking parents' views and opinions on various aspects of school life
Keeping parents informed of all matters relating to their child's progress and well-being
Keeping parents informed by distributing key policy documents
Organising Parent Information evenings at key milestones in a child's school career
Investigating any complaints and concerns parents may have and working cooperatively to resolve difficulties